Thursday, August 25, 2011

Long Pose Step 1

So this is 3 hrs into a 15 hour pose in a class I am taking with Ryan Wurmser. It is a situation where we basically work on whatever we want for the next 4 weeks. In the end I will have a nice painting of it I hope.

My goal was to take this as far as possible.

So far this is the lay in. Trying to get all the bits in the right place. Ill post again after the next day of work on this.



  1. i am super stoked to see the progress of this. I am already floored by the face. the eyes are already selling it. I plan on learning a lot from this.

  2. on your way bro!!

    every day.


  3. great blog. I love the two color studies on the very last post of this page...
