Monday, November 21, 2011

Pasadena Tonal Studies

Went painting with my buddy Alex up at Art Center and forgot my brushes. Luckily I had a watercolor kit and a jar for water. Bit thanks to Alex for lending me a brush. Perhaps it was divine intervention. I've been wanting to do more of these tonal pieces to help me make big decisions quicker. Super simple four toned arrangements keeping them graphic and not worrying about the edges. More focus on the composition and keeping it true to what was happening with the light. Lots of clouds in the sky that day with sunlight piercing through here and there. Had a great time!!



  1. dude. these are super sweet! some big beautiful decisions. Art center is awesome. You ever catch the workshops?

  2. hey, thanks so much for following my blog! your work is phenomenal!!!

  3. Mike...thanks bud!! I wanted to hit the workshop..haven't been to one in years up there. I live and work on the west side so I hit up a lot of the workshops on this side of the city.

    Freddy...dang your drawings and designs. Was an instant fan when I found your blog. Keep up the great work!!
